By Nantang B. Jua and Francis B. Nyamnjoh
This Paper was published in African Studies Review (Vol.45 (2):49-71, 2002)
Abstract: Cameroonians saw a positive correlation between the enactment of the Liberty Laws in the early 1990s, the increase in the number of tertiary institutions, and the contribution of its universities to worldwide intellectual endeavors. Nevertheless, as the history of the University of Buea shows, the university space, instead of becoming free, became instead a space of domination. Universities discourage critical scholarship and collaboration, harass politically suspect instructors, and put barriers in the way of professional advancement.
For most faculty members, energy in the university space has become focused on survival, with many individuals more concerned with promoting their upward mobility than with the production of knowledge. One particularly unfortunate result is the continued marginalization or silencing of the African voice on the global stage.
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Hello Dr.,
Thanks a million for this timely article which exposes the canker worm that is the Cameroon university system in general and UB in particular. I am especially saddened that valiant intellectuals are literarily chased away from UB for purposes of political expediency, and at the expense of students who need the best teachers they can get.
That said, I think the University strike was ill-timed, poorly planned, and excessively violent, which explains (but does not justify) the loss of life. The argument that the absence of a student union is to blame is a lame one. ADEN, the student organization leading the non-violent student strike in Yaounde was created without Government authorization. UB students should have created a similar organization before embarking on their strike action. This in my opinion, is one action that cannot be honestly blamed on the UB administration.
Once again, thanks.
Ambe Johnson
Posted by: Ambe Johnson | May 02, 2005 at 02:09 PM
Hi Cameroonians alive and those dead,see the ants ,the bees, they work together and build.We have been fragmented by a sick and dead government and all the structures in Cameroon have been destroyed by money mongers. How many ministers are there in Cameroon? How many anglophones and what positions do they hold? Prime Minister who is toothless? Minister without portfolio as an Anglophone. the system has used us well, do not listen to them, they are the graffis,and where are they who were Prime Ministers from South West without a base support? The system has used us well, the only thing we desire is to be a Minister for 6months and removed,Premier to sell your people, or join the gangs of corruption and join the secret societies of killings and elimination.To those who have paid a price for being brilliant, sell your skills out and visit the corrupt nation whose future and image is soiled and burried.UB has been messed up, and NW shall have a University when the dead shall meet God.Congratulations Francis,Jua etc, one day we shall be free.
Posted by: H.E.Shuneba Wanchia. | May 23, 2007 at 08:02 AM